Monthly Archives: April 2018

The Rise of Millennials in the Workforce: How to Adapt and Succeed

As of 2015, a majority of the modern workforce consists of millennials. Some internet research counts even indicate that 75,000,000 millennials are joining the labor force. Even though they are known for being hard workers, recruiting and training them takes an approach that is a little different from previous generations, [...]


Traits That Make a Great Leader

One of the biggest problems that can bring an entire company down, rather quickly, is poor leadership skills. Poor management leads to low morale, lower production and confusion on the part of workers throughout the entire operation. The issue is so prevalent that when Gallup polled companies it revealed that [...]


The Search for Meaningful Work Is Impacting Employment Decisions

Millennials want more than a paycheck; they want purpose. This does not mean paychecks aren’t important, millennials still value money. Logically, they are at a time in their lives where they are looking to establish themselves in their career, while many are also looking to start families. In this sense, [...]


How Does a Great Manager Motivate & Inspire the Team?

It is an age-old question that has been contemplated by many managers. How does a manager motivate and inspire their team to be the best that they can be? In this article, we will be providing you a few tips on how a manager can spark the team. Be Present [...]

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