Social networking sites, like LinkedIn, can be powerful tools that candidates can use when considering new employment opportunities. Yet there are many candidate profiles that are too generic, so it’s important to know what catches a recruiter’s eye. If you want your profile to generate leads on your behalf, then it needs to be easy to find, professional, and appealing to recruiters.
Job Responsibilities
Highlighting your job responsibilities allows the right recruiters to find you. Search professionals in your particular industry can reach out to you about appropriate roles based on your background and skills. Only list the jobs that are relevant to your current career goals.
LinkedIn recommends using bullet points to feature several of your biggest achievements. Candidates are also encouraged to incorporate media files to make their profiles stand out from the competition. Recruiters are looking for videos, images, and other relevant documents that will verify your credentials. Include links to a work-related blog or online portfolio.
Describing the leadership aspects (officially and unofficially) you’ve taken on helps recruiters match appropriate roles that fit your background and capabilities. You can also include any leadership roles that you assumed through volunteer associations.
Professional Photos
Some candidates fail to understand the importance of a professional headshot, but it’s often the first impression that you provide to potential employers, so it’s a worthwhile investment.
Keeping your location up to date opens up your job opportunities.
Keyword-Rich Headlines
If you include the right keywords relevant to the services that you can provide within your headline, then it will be easier for recruiters looking for those services to find your profile. Include your specialty, speak directly to the audience and keep it to 10 words or less. Candidates should describe how they can benefit the viewer of their respective profiles.
Are you looking for a new opportunity in the Specialty Chemical, Plastics, or Animal Health industry?
Contact us to discuss how we can help you reach the next level in your career. Or browse our open positions. Boaz Partners is a premier executive search firm focused on the direct recruitment of executives and professionals for the specialty chemicals and plastics space.