Once upon a time hiring during the holiday season may have been slow, but nowadays we can debunk that myth. Specialty chemical recruiter, John Kehoe, has found that the holiday season is one of the busiest times of the year and can be one of the most strategic times to hire. It’s wise for companies to continue their hiring around this time of year and for candidates to continue to pursue new opportunities. Instead of falling for the myth that hiring is slow during the holidays, take advantage of what this season can offer:
Advantages for Companies
Typically, in January hiring becomes a hot topic once the new year’s budget is in place and hiring managers know what talent is needed on their teams. However, as chemical recruiters we have found in the hiring process it takes an average of 57.6 days to get to the point of candidate offer acceptance. If the role is unique, particularly technical or in a difficult location, the number of days can significantly increase. To be able to grab the best of the talent pool at a time when other companies may be falling for the myth, you’ll need to start interviewing in December to have talent starting in January or February. If you make the hire in December, a perk is allowing the candidate to acclimate to the new company, culture and processes before the rush of the new year. On top of that, candidates are likely to be more accessible by phone and it will be an easier process for scheduling interviews.
Advantages for Candidates
The holidays are an easy time for candidates to put their job searches aside and assume that companies will not be hiring. Take advantage of other candidates having that mentality and get in front of the hiring managers for the opportunities that you are interested in. Companies will start interviewing candidates in December for the talent they want to start in the first quarter. If you are looking to start a new opportunity in the beginning of 2021, December is the time to start applying. Get a kickstart to the opportunities that are available while other candidates may be taking a break from their search.
The holidays are a busy time of the year without a doubt. However, interviewing during this time is a great plan to be able to have better access to top talent while preparing for the hires your team will need in the first quarter. Waiting until January to start the process will push back the final hire until at least a month or more. Get a head as we enter 2021 and start the year strong by initiating hiring and interviewing now. Avoid falling for hiring myths, they could be holding you or your team back from great opportunities.
Written by John Kehoe: Specialty Chemical Recruiter and Chemical Distribution Practice Lead