Some believe the “September Surge” is going to start, but what is it? This is a surge in hiring during the month of September. Some experts believe there is a trend for companies to ramp up their hiring efforts so their hires can hit the ground running by the New Year. However, not all believe this trend is real and may even think it is the opposite that occurs.
Supporting the surge
What would cause a surge in hiring this month? Those who believe in the surge point out several reasons including hiring managers and candidates wrapping up summer vacations, filling roles before the holiday season hits, and parents having more time to focus on job searching or hiring with kids back to school. The surge however will reflect hiring trends through the year. If hiring has been slow the uptick in hiring during the surge may not be as high. However, hiring in August picked up from the prior summer months. Could that be foreshadowing the surge to come in September?
Disagreement with the surge
Some experts believe that September does not bring a surge in hiring and do not believe that the holidays affect hiring as much these days. With the hiring trends this year, there is an argument that there may not be a pick-up this year due to companies being in survival mode and not growth mode. Their predictions are that hiring will show an uptick at the end of the first quarter.
Regardless of what side you are on, September could be a good month to do a personal ramp-up. If you are job seeking, it couldn’t hurt to prepare for it, get your resume out there, and touch up your LinkedIn profile. As we are quickly approaching the busy holiday season, it may not be a bad idea for companies to start planning to interview for their last hires for the year. The holiday season can be tricky when it comes to scheduling interviews. Hiring is also a process that takes time. Starting the process in September and participating in the potential surge may set your team up to make the hire before the end of the year. Whether you believe in the September Surge or not, use this month to take the opportunities to benefit your career and your team.
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