There are several routes to take when it comes to career development that does not all lead to leaving your current company for a new organization. If there is room for growth within your current role and organization, explore that option if that is what will suit your career path best at the moment. Ultimately, the idea of career development is developing short-term goals that make up the building blocks of the steps needed to achieve long-term career goals. Promotions are a great step in career development. This is an obtainable career goal that can be worked towards with the right effort put in.

Ask yourself some questions

  • What value do I bring to the company?
  • What skills can I develop to increase results and value?
  • What tasks or activities can I get involved in to gain more experience?
  • What have others done that have recently been promoted?
  • What new responsibilities would I like to take on with a promotion?
  • How could I bring success to my team once promoted and what are the planned steps to do so?
  • What can I do to get more noticed in the workplace?
  • What opportunities are there to raise my hand to be in leadership positions?
  • How do I show my motivation and work ethic?
  • What am I looking to get out of this promotion?

The key to working towards promotion is going to be showing your added value to the organization. Think of where your organization is trying to go and how you can assist in making that happen. Look into experiences and new skills. Get involved with projects and when the chance is open to be a leader, take the initiative. Start a discussion. Talk to your supervisor about what it would take to get a promotion. Get feedback on what you are doing well currently and what you could work towards. Be prepared with a list of your current responsibilities and specific examples of how you have brought value to the team and your plan to continue to do so. Start the conversation to show your interest in bringing more value to the company and your commitment to your own career path. Career development can take many paths. It starts with putting your best foot forward and putting yourself in a position to accomplish your short-term and long-term goals.

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