Yearly Archives: 2018

How Tariffs are Affecting the Specialty Chemicals Industry

The U.S. chemicals industry, one of the country’s largest manufacturing industries, has experienced difficulties from the administration’s new tariff policy. The Trump administration has enacted $200 billion worth of tariffs on Chinese products, and China’s response to these tariffs has not been favorable to the chemicals industry. Chemical Exports The [...]


Is Team-Building a Waste of Time?

Teams that work well together, trust each other, and enjoy spending time together are more effective, right? It is what we’ve been told time and again. While it is true to an extent, spending money on team-building has shown to provide little pay off. Many corporations who want to invest [...]


Phone Interview Tips

If you are searching for a job in the specialty chemicals, plastics, or animal health industry, you will likely have to participate in some phone interviews during the process. They are quicker than in-person interviews, so many companies gravitate towards them. Companies also use phone interviews to narrow down applicants [...]


How to Use Employee Recognition to Improve Engagement

One of the hardest parts of maintaining a successful company is keeping employees engaged. While job security used to be more important, today’s employees are more willing to leave a steady job in search for one that brings them more satisfaction. One way to increase retention is to use employee [...]

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