When it comes to hiring, strategizing a succession plan or aligning new hires with growth needs are standard and easy to manage on a longer timeline, but what happens when there is an unexpected resignation? It can leave a gap in company productivity, and critical action items and responsibilities unmanaged: does your company have a hiring contingency plan?
According to a recent LinkedIn article, 2 Million more than expected workers are planning to retire in the coming year during what is being dubbed the “Great Resignation”. Companies can make do by farming out responsibilities to other team members, but long-term this can lead to overburdened employees as well as lack of expertise and attention to vital tasks.
Internal talent acquisition teams can be limited to candidates that are applying to positions or overwhelmed by recruiting for pre-planned hiring needs. Using a niche-specific recruiter ensures dedicated time from experts in hiring in your field for when there is an unexpected lapse in position coverage. It can be key to success to have a 3rd-party resource that is well-connected and knowledgeable about your industry and specific skill set needs when you find yourself in a talent pinch and need a role filled quickly and with a larger talent pool than direct applicants.
As specialty-chemical recruiters we have long-term relationships with candidates across multiple functional fields and can quickly reach out to talent as we help hire dozens of roles each year, whereas an internal talent-acquisition field might only recruit for a certain role once every few years and not be able to hit the ground running on a critical hire.
Currently, more jobs are opening than there are candidates to fill them; competition for skilled- talent is at an all-time high. Although you may not use a, executive search firm regularly, now is the perfect time to be having conversations with firms who you can partner with as part of your back-up plan when the speed to market to candidates can be the difference maker in filling critical talent and skill gaps.
Written by Lindsay Schaaf, Director of Research, Specialty Chemical Recruiter