When it comes down to it, LinkedIn has become a staple in professional networking. It’s a topic that we frequently write on because it has become such an important professional tool. Having a profile is an easy way to open the door to opportunities and is what increases those opportunities. As chemical recruiters, we see a lot of LinkedIn profiles. Here is what we’ve learned makes the ideal profile:

Think about your story

What is it that you want to tell your audience using your profile? It is best to allow your profile to get a taste of who are as a person, so be yourself. Think about what makes you passionate about your work. What drives you in your career. What skills and accomplishments you are most proud of and how you acquired them. These are all things to weave into your profile. If you have interests and hobbies, you can include a small section about those as well. Show the whole story of who you are as a professional and as a person. Let your viewers see the human on the other side of the screen.

Fill out every section

The ideal profile has all sections filled out. The summary is where you can start to tell your story. Enter in your current and past roles. Be sure to add in your responsibilities and accomplishments throughout the way. Use strong wordage to show your success. Use specific metrics and numbers to give examples of your work rather than using buzzwords (i.e., hardworking, successful, or diligent). Think about keywords that a hiring manager might look for in your profile. These can be specific skills, chemistries, or technologies that you use. If you need help thinking of keywords, check out some job descriptions of roles you might be interested in. Look to see what words they tend to use that match your skill set. Don’t forget to fill out the skills section. This is a great space to use keywords and get endorsements to add some validity (be sure to endorse others too).

Finishing Touches

A profile can be finished up with some small touches that often are forgotten about or overlooked. A professional profile picture can really make a profile. It gives a face to the story. Be sure that your picture is professional, clean, clear and shows a friendly expression with a simple background. A cover photo can also add some personality. Keep it a clear and simple image that tells something about you. The headline space is another area that can be used to set your profile apart from others. That is the text that is directly under your name. Get creative with this area to give a quick snapshot of who you are as a professional. Did you know LinkedIn lets you customize the URL for your profile? Make it easy to find your page- it looks great to add onto your resume too! These final touches will help catch hiring managers’ and recruiters’ attention.

Make your profile stand out. Don’t be afraid to show off your expertise and brag on yourself a little. Take advantage of the incredible tool LinkedIn has become; you never know what opportunities it could bring you down the road.

-Written by John Kehoe: Specialty Chemicals Recruiter & Chemical Distribution Lead