There is a lot that goes into making career decisions and deciding to relocate adds even more to that equation. However, could it be worth it if you leads you dream job? Absolutely, but that also depends on each individual’s situation and definition of a dream job. As chemical recruiters, relocation is a frequent conversation with clients and candidates. If the opportunity presents itself, it can be exciting and overwhelming. Consider breaking it down into these areas to think about to decide if this relocation is right for you.
Pros and Cons
As is advised in any major decision, go through your list of pros and cons. Pros in the living situation can look like moving to an area with a lower cost of living, nicer weather, or being closer to family. In your career, it could open doors to more opportunities, a better work culture, and advancement. Cons could look like the opposite; maybe the cost of living is higher, the weather is less than ideal or it may be too far away from family and friends. In these cases, it may depend on the opportunity itself whether or not the cons are worth risking.
Who else will the move affect?
Unless you are a one-person show, it is likely there will be a partner or children that will also be affected in the move. Have a conversation about what this move would realistically look like. Will your partner need to find a new job in the location and are they content with this idea and the chosen area to move? Discuss with your partner will the cost of moving looks like and how much will be covered by a relocation package. Also have a conversation with the kids on their thoughts, especially if they are of an age that they would have to change schools. What opportunities are there for your family in the area? Take a look at the schools and the potential neighborhoods you could live in. Make sure those who will be affected have time to discuss, consider and decide on their thoughts on relocating as well.
Take a trip
If there are still things that you have questions about or are unsure of, take a trip to the area. Bring those who will be moving with you. Get a feel for what the weather is like, how much traffic you’ll experience daily, what there is to do in the area, and take a look at places you could potentially live.
If there is anything else you would to know about the area, talk to the hiring manager and other people in the company about what it’s like to live there- the good and the bad. Relocation has the opportunity to open doors that may not be available for your career in the current area you live. Think each aspect through and do what will be best for you, your career, and your family.
-Written by Brooke Hughes: Researcher for Specialty Chemical Recruiters