Interviews by nature as nerve-wrecking, even for the most experienced and confident of interviewees; a lot of pressure is associated with the want to land the perfect new job.  The article, “How to Be Amazing In Your Interview”, by Jay Forte outlines critical things you need to know while interviewing in the current job market.

  1. Interviewers and Interviewees have equal power- the interview goes both ways.  You as the applicant need to know if this job is the right fit for you just as much as the employer needs to know you are a good fit for them.
  2. Get answers to your questions- have a list of things you want to know before going to the interview, this will help you determine the fit.Apples-1140X445
  3. Know yourself- answer questions about yourself honestly, professionally, and confidently.  Be aware of your strengths and talents in order to let them know you are a CATCH of a candidate!
  4. Prove your potential value to the organization, even if they do not ask it directly. Find a way to weave into the conversation what you can bring to the company and how you can make a difference.

After the interview, take a few steps back and analyze if this would be the right move for you before accepting any potential offers.

