labor shortage

Winning the War on Talent – Part 2

Internal Referral Programs With most internal referral programs, the success does not rest with the “prize” associated with the referral, but rather with the consistent reminder that the program exists and the path for growth is an incredible one! How frequently are “awards” distributed, and how public is the announcement [...]


Do You Have a Hiring Contingency Plan?

When it comes to hiring, strategizing a succession plan or aligning new hires with growth needs are standard and easy to manage on a longer timeline, but what happens when there is an unexpected resignation? It can leave a gap in company productivity, and critical action items and responsibilities unmanaged: [...]


Hiring Trends in Specialty Chemicals

Working as specialty chemical recruiters, we get a direct look into the hiring trends in the market. These trends are constantly changing and Covid-19 only helped create even more change and turmoil for many. While there were companies taking advantage of the pool of candidates available during the pandemic, others [...]

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